How I would use Todoist in College/University

How I would organize projects and tasks along side assignments and lectures.
Every now and then you’ll come across something you’d like to do from now on, a habit you want to create, maybe an extra task you want to complete each day.
So you’ll open up Todoist and create a task:
Play the piano for 5 minutes every day
Now this will appear in your To-Do List every day. Great!
Until you start to get bogged down by all the real work you need to get done every day. Now that task is 3 days overdue, and all those other tasks that you hoped to accomplish are just clogging up your screen.
Well, we have a great solution for you! It involves using IFTTT (a web app called “if this then that”) to recreate tasks that were recently completed.
#####Here’s how a never ending task works
Tasks you create in this certain project will automatically reappear shortly after you complete them.
######Follow these simple steps:
Create a project called ==Never Ending Tasks== or simply import this empty project
Sign up for and connect your Todoist applet
Turn on this applet
Add your never-ending-tasks to your Never Ending Tasks project.
Here’s an example of my task from above:
Play the piano for 5 minutes
Now this task will reappear only after I’ve completed it, and it won’t show up in my overdue list!
*Note: labels, priority, due dates, and notes do not currently work. This has to do with the limitations of IFTTT. To remove tasks, you will need to delete or archive them.