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A cool little Todoist app for Windows 10 users

Date: August 19, 2016     Tags: tutorial and video

Hello my Todoist friend.

When you look at your to-do list, and you’re ready to start working on a task, what do you do first?

Sometimes I jump right into work, starting a particular task. But, I don’t always finish that task right then. I might jump from this task, to that one, to another, before actually finishing any of them.

If this sounds familiar, you might want to check out Boards by Todoist. In fact, you should check it out regardless. It’s a very cool app that sits half way between Trello and Todoist, a visual Kanban board for your to-do list. It helps you and your team collaborate and keep track of work items.

Unfortunately, this app is only for Windows 10 users. Sorry Mac friends! If you’re dying to try this out, maybe try this.

Thanks for reading and see you next time :)